Friday, August 10, 2012

The Mind of a Squirrel

It says in the Ashtavakra Gita that the mind of the man seeking liberation can find no resting place within, but that the mind of a squirrel is always free from desire by the very fact of being without a resting place!

The squirrels have no "self" interest... they are completely in service to the One Heart.  I am convinced that the squirrels are here to teach us the Way of Love! They are the pure ones that teach by example!

Perhaps this is why the squirrels are the saviours of the universe! My friend, the Swedish mystic, Den Lilla Ekorren shares this wisdom in his video:


Long before the earth was born the squirrels ruled the cosmos... so perfect in their holiness, serentiy and bliss!
And now the world has gone astray in forest deep and dark but guided by the rodent stars, we wake up to the sunrise!
Squirrels are the saviours of the Universe!
                                                         by Den Lilla Ekorren

So why not adopt a squirrel guru? It is the most sure way to realization! Here is a photo of Mr.Nut's guru, Sri Nuttynanda~ 

Thank you to Den Lilla Ekorren for this awesome picture!
Mr.Nut says, "Just be like a squirrel and enjoy yourself!  He says, "Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of satisfaction, his very nature, and whose inner
focus on the Unconditional is quite spontaneous.

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