Friday, June 10, 2011

The One Thing

From The Emerald Tablet by Dennis William Hauck:

"The Above is the abode of the One Mind and the Below is the abode of the One Thing. You need know nothing more because nothing more is knowable; you cannot label the ineffable. Work instead with the tiny spark of consciousness of which you are possessed; that spark can be fanned into a blazing gnosis that burns away the falsity of your tragic self-deception. Thereafter can you verify for yourself that of which I speak. You can behold the One Mind; you can touch the One Thing."

"You should not fear the One Thing, for you have dominion over it. It is the nothing that is something, the same substance of which your dreams are made. But your fear has turned it into your nightmare, and only through its dissolution can you reclaim your power and dream anew. For just as your dreams are fashioned by your hidden mind, so is the world dreamt by the hidden mind of God. Therefore, the thoughts of the One Mind are your reality, and the presence of the One Thing is your dream. And the dreamer and his dream are always One."

..."Mind and matter appear as two in the mirror of existence, but they flow into one another as One. Like the Fountain of Fountains feeding on itself, so does one continually pass into the other. The One Mind becomes the One Thing, and out of the One Thing comes the One Mind. They are and always were both One."

What is the One Thing? I am compelled to believe that what Hermes called "The One Thing" in the Emerald Tablet is in fact what Candice O'Denver names the Basic State or Clarity or Open Intelligence. In fact, once this One Thing is realized as that which YOU ARE, then and only then are you totally free!

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