Times are a changin'! It used to be you had to go to India to see cows in the streets. Not any more...
I invited a street person to sit with the cow on this busy street in downtown Austin. He is currently without work and told me about hopes for a possible gig as a roady.

Amazing to see the luxuriant decor of the cow in contrast to the poverty of this man. Makes you wonder how it will all shake out! The great thing is that our youth is interested in wholesome alternatives for change!
Here you see young people chanting, drumming, and toning crystal bowls to effect change on Wall Street!
Wow! I like the positive prophecy this young man is communicating with his poster: "THE BEGINNING IS NEAR" !
Here in Austin, Oneness Blessing events are open to everyone. Experience the bliss of knowing it's all part of the perfection of the Universe!
And look what we find at the other end of this same bridge...
Visit www.squirrelplanet.org for the schedule of public blessings and be the change you want to see in the world!