When someone we love dies, leaves, moves out of our physical sphere.... we feel a lot of emotion. Some call it sadness, heartache, grief, depression.
But what if... it's just love?
Another flavor of the One?
Love can't be divided up into parts.
Love is one with everything.
Love includes all circumstances, emotions,
feelings, and thoughts.
There is nothing that is not love.
Love is what holds the cosmos together.
If you've never seen the movie Griffin and Phoenix,
I totally recommend seeing this love story.
It is a brilliant example of a couple's realization that love includes everything...
even death.
For a person who has realized this,
all the labeling drops away and
all that's left is love....
it's all love and it's always been all love.
The only difference is now there's no more attempts to separate something out of the One and compare it, resist it or manipulate it. There's no doer to do any of that! That's why the awakened ones are so radiant! There's just no longer anyone to stop
all that love shining through!