Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Rest

Remember the Nike slogan "JUST DO IT"?
What about the opposite... "JUST REST" ?

In the Dzogchen teachings of Longchenpa, listen to the amazing
soothing quality of this quote from "Old Man Basking in the Sun":

Just resting here, there is constant spontaneity;
just resting naturally, no one contrives anything;
unseeking, staying just as we are,
nonaction is revealed as supreme activity;
and realizing that, we abandon deliberate acts,
doing nothing, we stay with the zing of reality!
Whoever rests in things just as they are
attains infallible uncontrived perfection.
What is real is our unerring, uncontrived nature
and reality is its infallible essence:
there is no 'buddhahood', only reality just as it is.

Just like after completing some exertion...
like potting a plant,
going for a walk,
doing the laundry;
I feel the soothing, palpable experience of doing nothing.

just sitting...

thoughts or not...

like a warm blanket on a cold night~

the luxuriant feeling of perfect well-being...

This spaciousness is always available!


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